Eye of Horus Uses | Understanding of the Ancient Egyptian

The Eye of Horus Uses as a sign of prosperity and protection. The eye of Horus is a strong protective symbol, used for thousands of years by the Egyptians.

This write-up will give you a chance to understand the uses, benefits, and history of one of the world’s most ancient and prestigious symbols, the Eye of Horus.

The eye of Horus has been around for centuries now, its date of birth originates back to before Christera but this symbol owes its durability to its amazing benefits and spiritual uses.

Introduction of Ancient Egypt’s Spirituality and Beliefs:

Ancient Egypt’s spirituality and beliefs were complex and varied, shaped by a diverse pantheon of gods and goddesses, as well as a complex cosmology that emphasized the importance of the afterlife.

One of the central beliefs in ancient Egyptian religion was the concept of ma’at, which represented the fundamental order and balance of the universe. The goddess Ma’at was often depicted with a feather in her hair, and her principles of balance and harmony were central to many aspects of Egyptian spirituality, including ethics and morality.

Introduction of Ancient Egypt’s Spirituality and Beliefs

Ancient Egyptians lived a life of serenity. They had the amazing river of Nileflowing their fields, irrigating their crops and fields, and providing food for them. To thank Gods for the existence of such an amazing life, Ancient Egypt first made beliefs that gods existed for everything.

Another important aspect of ancient Egyptian religion was the cult of the pharaoh, who was believed to be a divine intermediary between the gods and the people. The pharaoh was often depicted in art and architecture, and his or her role was to maintain ma’at and ensure the prosperity of the kingdom.

The ancient Egyptians believed in a complex pantheon of gods and goddesses, each with their own unique powers and attributes. Some of the most important gods included Ra, the sun god; Osiris, the god of the afterlife; Isis, the goddess of fertility and motherhood; and Horus, the god of the sky and protector of the pharaoh.

Death and the afterlife were also central to ancient Egyptian spirituality, and many rituals and beliefs were designed to ensure a successful journey to the afterlife. The Book of the Dead, for example, was a collection of spells and incantations that were believed to help the deceased navigate the afterlife and achieve eternal life.

Overall, ancient Egyptian spirituality and beliefs were multifaceted and evolved over time, but were united by a strong emphasis on balance, order, and the continuity of life beyond death.

Eye of Horus Purpose

The Eye of Horus, also known as the Wedjat or the Eye of Ra, is a symbol from ancient Egyptian mythology and culture. It holds significant spiritual and protective meanings in Egyptian beliefs.

  1. Protection: The Eye of Horus was believed to have protective qualities. It was often worn as an amulet or depicted on jewelry, in tombs, or as part of burial rituals to safeguard the deceased in the afterlife. It was thought to ward off evil spirits and provide protection against various dangers.
  2. Healing and Restoration: In addition to its protective function, the Eye of Horus was associated with healing and restoration. It was seen as a symbol of healing power, and amulets with the Eye were sometimes worn to promote physical and emotional healing.
  3. Symbol of Royal Authority: The Eye of Horus was also linked to the pharaoh’s authority and power. Horus, the god represented by the eye, was often associated with the ruling pharaoh, emphasizing the divine right of the pharaoh to rule Egypt.
  4. Spiritual and Cosmic Significance: The Eye of Horus has deep spiritual and cosmic meanings in Egyptian mythology. It represents the concepts of completeness and wholeness, with each part of the eye symbolizing a fraction of the whole. This is thought to be tied to the idea of balance and harmony in the universe.
  5. Connection to the Sun and Moon: The Eye of Horus is sometimes associated with the sun and the moon. The right eye is linked to the sun god Ra and the left eye to the moon god Thoth. The myth of the eye’s loss and restoration is connected to the waxing and waning of the moon.
  6. Mathematical Symbolism: The Eye of Horus also has mathematical significance. The fractions represented by its different parts were used in ancient Egyptian mathematics for measurements and calculations, particularly in areas like architecture and land surveying.

In summary, the Eye of Horus served various purposes in ancient Egyptian culture, including protection, healing, symbolism of royal authority, and spiritual significance. Its enduring importance is a testament to its deep roots in Egyptian history and belief systems.

Eye of Horus Overview:

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol that is believed to have originated in the early Dynastic Period (c. 3100-2686 BCE) and was closely associated with the god Horus. The symbol was widely used in ancient Egyptian art and religion and is still popular in modern times.

The Eye of Horus is often depicted as a stylized eye, with the markings of a falcon on its eyebrow and cheek. These markings represent the god Horus, who was often depicted as a falcon or as a man with the head of a falcon. The symbol is sometimes called the “Eye of Ra,” as Ra was another powerful god in the Egyptian pantheon.

In ancient Egyptian mythology, the Eye of Horus was a powerful protective amulet, believed to offer the wearer health, protection, and prosperity. It was also believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits and to help the dead in their journey to the afterlife.

The Eye of Horus has many interpretations, including as a symbol of the sun and moon, the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and the concept of duality. It has also been associated with the concept of spiritual enlightenment and the awakening of consciousness.

Today, the Eye of Horus remains a popular symbol in many different contexts, including as a tattoo design, jewelry, and as a decorative motif in various forms of art and design.

The eye of Horus actually stands for three major things

1-Protection from disease 2- Healing And 3- Prosperity

Eye of Horus Overview

In this write up we have compiled almost all of the spiritual uses and benefits of the eye of Horus and each of them has been explained briefly.

Eye of Horus Uses and Benefits:

1- Protection from disease

The Eye of Horus was believed to have many uses and benefits in ancient Egyptian spirituality, including protection from disease. It was often worn as an amulet or depicted in art and architecture to ward off illness and promote healing.

The association of the Eye of Horus with health and healing is likely due to its connection with the god Horus, who was also known as a healer. In ancient Egyptian mythology, Horus was believed to have healed his father, Osiris, after he was killed by his brother Set. Horus was also associated with the sun, which was believed to have restorative powers.

The Eye of Horus was often used in medical treatments and remedies and was believed to have the power to heal various ailments. For example, the Eye of Horus was often used in conjunction with other symbols and amulets to treat eye diseases and injuries, as it was believed to have a special affinity for the eyes.

In addition to its healing properties, the Eye of Horus was also believed to offer protection from various dangers and negative energies. It was often used as a talisman or amulet to ward off evil spirits and protect the wearer from harm.

Today, the Eye of Horus is still used as a symbol of protection and healing and is often worn as a piece of jewelry or incorporated into artwork and decor. It is also a popular tattoo design, particularly for those seeking a symbol of spiritual protection and guidance.

2- Prosperity in homes

While the Eye of Horus was primarily associated with protection and healing in ancient Egyptian spirituality, it was also believed to have the power to bring prosperity and abundance to homes and families.

The Eye of Horus was often used in conjunction with other symbols and amulets to promote prosperity and good fortune. For example, the Eye of Horus was often depicted alongside the ankh, a symbol of eternal life, and the scarab beetle, a symbol of rebirth and regeneration.

The Eye of Horus was also sometimes used in ritual and prayer to invoke the blessings of the gods and goddesses associated with prosperity and abundance. For example, the goddess Hathor, who was often depicted with the Eye of Horus on her head, was the goddess of love, joy, and fertility, and was believed to bring blessings of abundance and prosperity to those who worshipped her.

3- Healing from sickness

In older times, any person who would get sick would use the eye of Horus symbol on their bodies and the area of their sickness to get relief from the disease.

And contrary to the popular belief, it in fact did work for them. Even spiritual believers today from around the world use it as a means to guarantee healing from sickness and disease.

It is often done that the eye of Horus symbol is mixed with water and the sick person is made to drink it in hopes of healing from the sickness.

4- Protection of dead bodies from disintegration

Priests and peasants alike in the older times would use the eye of Horus symbol as a gift given to their deceased kings. The eye of Horus symbol would be placed on the top of the bodies of the dead kings and would be used as a hope that it protects the bodies of their dead kings from disintegration.

5- Use of the eye of Horus for the Guaranteed win in battles

Use of the eye of Horus for the Guaranteed win in battles

Soldiers in older times and even spiritual believers who are fighters today use the eye of Horus symbol as a way to protect themselves and bring victory in their wars.

It has been their belief that the falcon-headed God, God Horus would protect them from the misfortunes of wars and lead them to victory.

6- Use of the eye of Horus for Good luck in exams

The eye of Horus is often used by spiritual believers today who are students too to bring them good luck in exams.

Many religious people around the world use their specific religious prayers to bring them good luck in exams and help them pass the exams, in a very similar manner the eye of Horus symbol specifically the eye of Horus prayer is used by students to bring them good luck in their exams.

 8- The use of the symbol as presents and gifts

Among spiritual believers especially those inhabiting the region of Egypt, the use of the eye of Horus symbol to be given as gifts and presents are very common.

People often give this symbol as presents on auspicious occasions according to their culture and religion.

9- Use of the eye of Horus as amulets

The eye of Horus symbol has also been formed into multiple things such as the amulets which can be tied around the arm and hung around the neck in order to protect the wearer from disease and sickness and bring good luck, fortune, and prosperity to the wearer

10- Use of the eye of Horus in ornaments

The eye of Horus has been most commonly used as a symbol that is now if not more than on par with the use of the evil eye symbol on ornaments. Most of you probably must have seen the eye of Horus symbol ornaments including lockets, rings, bracelets, anklets, and chains in antique jewelry shops. The fashion of wearing these ornaments is also very common among teenagers.

The Green Eye of Horus:

The Green Eye of Horus

The eye of Horus is also sometimes called the green eye of Horus since most of the time the material that is used to make its symbol is green in color.


It is very evident from the above-given information that the symbol of the eye of Horus comes with an infinite number of uses and benefits which is one of the main reasons for the long durability of the eye of Horus as seen through centuries with very few changes in its details.

Our website as a whole is dedicated to the eye of Horus and its study, we receive countless suggestions about new topics for the eye of Horus and queries related to this majestical ancient symbol.

Please feel free to drop by our comments section which is given at the bottom of this write-up, in case you have any queries, reviews, or suggestions. This write-up has hopefully mentioned in a concise manner the benefits and uses of the eye of Horus.

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