Eye of Horus Christianity | Best Body of Christ – [2023]

Eye of Horus Christianity, According to those who deny the existence of Jesus, however, this description is of a mythological precursor to Christianity.

The Eye of Horus, an ancient Egyptian symbol associated with the god Horus, has captured the fascination of many throughout history. Its distinctive design, resembling an eye, has been widely recognized and often associated with protection, healing, and spiritual insight.

In this comprehensive article, we will explore the intriguing connection between the Eye of Horus and Christianity, shedding light on the historical context, symbolic significance, and interpretations within the Christian faith. Join us on this enlightening journey as we unravel the mysteries behind the Eye of Horus Christianity.

History – Eye of Horus Christianity

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol and is not directly connected to Christianity. However, like many ancient symbols, some individuals or groups may have incorporated the Eye of Horus into Christian artwork or symbolism.

In Christianity, the use of symbols is common to represent various aspects of the faith. However, the specific symbols associated with Christianity, such as the cross, the fish (ichthys), the dove, or the lamb, have distinct meanings within the context of Christian beliefs and teachings.

Eye of Horus Christianity

The Eye of Horus, on the other hand, holds significance within ancient Egyptian mythology. It is a symbol of protection, healing, and power, associated with the god Horus, who was believed to have the eye as a symbol of his divine sight and perception.

It is essential to distinguish between the cultural and historical context of symbols to avoid any misinterpretation or confusion. While there may be instances where the Eye of Horus is used in Christian art or iconography, it is not a central or universally recognized symbol within Christianity.

Eye of Horus Christianity: A Symbolic Confluence

The Eye of Horus: A Brief Overview

Before delving into its connection to Christianity, let’s first examine the Eye of Horus itself. The Eye of Horus, also known as the Wedjat or the Wadjet Eye, is an ancient Egyptian symbol that originated in the worship of the god Horus, the falcon-headed deity associated with the sky and kingship. The symbol takes the form of an eye with distinctive markings, including a prominent horizontal line and a stylized teardrop shape below. It represents the eye of Horus, which was lost during his battle with Seth, the god of chaos and disorder.

Eye of Horus in Ancient Egyptian Religion

In ancient Egyptian religion, the Eye of Horus held significant importance and was regarded as a symbol of protection, royal power, and good health. It was believed to have protective qualities, safeguarding the wearer from harm and warding off evil spirits. The symbol was often depicted on amulets, jewelry, and tombs, serving as a potent talisman.

The Spread of Christianity and Symbolic Adaptations

With the rise of Christianity, the early Christian communities found themselves in a diverse cultural milieu, encompassing various beliefs and symbols. As the faith expanded, it encountered different religious traditions, including Egyptian beliefs and iconography. It is within this context that we observe the assimilation of the Eye of Horus into Christian symbolism.

Eye of Horus Symbol

Eye of Horus Christianity: Symbolic Interpretations

The All-Seeing Eye: Divine Omniscience

In Christian theology, the Eye of Horus has been associated with the concept of the “All-Seeing Eye.” This symbolism emphasizes the divine attribute of omniscience, referring to God’s all-encompassing knowledge and awareness. The eye, as a representative symbol, signifies God’s eternal vigilance, perceiving everything and providing guidance to those who seek His wisdom.

The Eye of Providence: Divine Guidance and Protection

Another interpretation links the Eye of Horus with the Eye of Providence, a well-known symbol in Christian iconography. Often depicted as an eye within a triangle, the Eye of Providence represents the watchful gaze of God over humanity. It embodies divine guidance, protection, and providence, conveying the belief that God oversees and sustains His creation.

The Eye of Horus as a Christological Symbol

Within certain Christian traditions, the Eye of Horus has also been associated with Christological symbolism. Drawing parallels between the eye’s healing and protective qualities and the compassionate nature of Christ, this interpretation highlights the connection between the ancient Egyptian symbol and the Christian concept of divine love and redemption.

Uses of the Eye of Horus Treatment of Patients

Uses of the Eye of Horus Treatment of Patients

For the cure of deadly diseases, the Egyptians used to equate them with the eye of Horus. Any part of the body or the tools equated with a deity was considered as the healing of that body part or elsewhere the tools were used. The Thoth himself cured the eye of Horus which he lost during the war through divine powers.

For Protection

The Egyptians still wear the eye of Horus for the sake of protection from evil. The ancient Egyptians used to wear them as Amulets to their young ones or their pregnant females. They wore it as jewelry made with gold and other valuable exquisite stones. It was also widely used on the walls of temples, coffins, and also mummies wearing it.

The eyed boats of Malta look quite strange like gazing at you but they have a certain purpose behind them. They draw the eye of Horus on their boats to protect themselves from storms in the oceans. It has also been seen on the wings of deities in museums and on ordinary statues where they were formed with carved stone.

Horus Vs Christianity

Christianity is the monotheistic and largest followed religion that has Abrahamic roots. They have faith in one god and the belief in Trinity with the god himself, Christ, and Holy Spirits. So where this controversy came from?

What does the Egyptian god have to do with Christianity? All this started with the work of some so-called and self-made Egyptologists and writers of the latest three centuries. They lacked the knowledge or they mixed up the half knowledge obtained through non-authentic resources.

Horus Vs Christianity


Horus, an ancient Egyptian deity, and Christianity, a major world religion, are distinct entities with different historical, cultural, and theological backgrounds. While it is possible to draw comparisons and explore some similarities or contrasts between various religious traditions, it is essential to approach such discussions with respect for each belief system’s unique context and understanding.

Horus is a prominent figure in Egyptian mythology and is often depicted as a falcon-headed god associated with the sky, kingship, and protection. He played a significant role in ancient Egyptian religious practices and had various myths and legends associated with him.

Christianity, on the other hand, is a monotheistic religion centered on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It emerged in the first century CE and has since become one of the world’s largest religions. Christianity holds that Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah who came to save humanity through his sacrificial death and offer the promise of eternal life.

While some individuals have attempted to draw parallels between certain aspects of the Horus myth and the story of Jesus in Christianity, these comparisons are often oversimplified or based on incomplete information. It is important to note that the historical and cultural contexts of these traditions are distinct, and their beliefs, practices, and theological frameworks are unique to their respective religious systems.

For a comprehensive understanding of Christianity and its beliefs, it is best to refer to the Bible and consult Christian teachings and scholars. Similarly, to understand the mythology and religious beliefs of ancient Egypt, it is advisable to study Egyptian sources, texts, and the interpretations provided by Egyptologists and experts in the field.                                                                                      Horus Vs Christianity


the Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol associated with the god Horus in Egyptian mythology. It is not directly connected to Christianity, which is a distinct religious tradition centered around the teachings and life of Jesus Christ.

While it is possible that individuals or groups may have incorporated the Eye of Horus into Christian artwork or symbolism, the symbol itself does not hold a central or universally recognized significance within Christianity. It is important to approach discussions of religious symbols with respect for the unique contexts and beliefs of each tradition.

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